- Study of Visual Art, Department of Free Direction, Gerrit Rietveld Academy Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Sandberg Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
EXHIBITIONS (selection)
- Forthcoming:
- Evolution de l‘Art, groupshow, on immaterial art. Het Blauwe Huis, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Olympic OneMinutes, Today Art Museum, Bejijn, China
- Viewing CLub Nice, compiled by Andreas Templin, organized in cooperation with Heike Kelter and Axel Huber
- A couple of texts and critical wrinting (details on request)
- Don't cry- Work!, Dublin, Republic of Ireland. Curated by Padraic Moore
- One & the other painting, W129/basement, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Curated by Tim Chen Chuanxi
- De Ontdekking van de Traagheid, KW 14‘s Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands
- Rotterdam Architecture Biennale, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- EGOART-prize, BASTART gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia
- Synch-Festival Athens, Greece www.synch.rg
- Mobile Institute, Brussels, Belgium
- Dertien Hectare Weiland, Heeswijk, The Netherlands for details new text of Andreas Templin titled “Embedded Art” will be published with TEXT-REVUE, Berlin, Germany
- Group exhibition at Chinese- European artcenter Xiamen, China
- Preview Berlin, represented by Curators without borders Berlin, Germany
- “C.A.R.L. Center for the Advancement of Recreation and Leisure“, Eric van Robertson‘s soloshow, W139 Amsterdam, guest-artist: Andreas Templin
- VC “Viewing Club”, London, GB
- Schwarzwaldinstitut, an interdisciplinary project night curated by Martin G. Schmid, Ballhaus Ost theatre, Berlin, Germany
- Andreas Templin plays Bach presented by maksverlag/München, evenings held in Stuttgart and Tübingen
- Luminale 06, Frankfurt, Main Germany, in cooperation with LIC Hamburg and Heinrich Fiedeler Wiesbaden
- Andreas Templin, selected videoworks, 00130gallery, Helsinki Video Library, Helsinki, Finland
- PixelDance Festival, Thessaloniki, Greece
- crashed satellite, winner of Concours Belluard Bollwerk International,
- Fribourg CH, with the kind support of the Fondation Nestlé pour l’Art and Canton Fribourg
- Viewing Club 6 Berlin, Lovelite, Berlin, Germany
- Festival Summertime, Lyon, France
- PARKGEWUSEL, Machfeld, International Arts and Culture Society, Venna, Austria
- European Biennale of Contemporary Art, Nimes, France,
- Fair play video-price. Play gallery for still and motion pictures, Berlin, Germany
- Crashed satellite, Kunsthalle Interazioni, Locarno, CH, on the occasion of the International Film Festival
- Impakt Festival Utrecht, Centraal Museum Utrecht, NL
- solo-presentation on the occasion of Artforum, Berlin, Germany
- VC 8, in cooperation with Kunstverein Bonn, Germany, details
- Andreas Templin wins international competition for the realisation of a land-art piece combined with a residency at Paradise International Art Center Iran, In cooperation with Museum of Contemporary Art Teheran (on hold)
- Dogville, Helsinki City Town Hall Gallery, Helsinki, Fi. Curated by 00130 gallery
- Fringe Shanghai
- Andreas Templin in residence at Pilotprojekt Gropiusstadt, Berlin, Germany
- TheOneMinutes Festival, Ketelhuis Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- “Viewing Club 9”, Secession Wichtelgasse, Vienna, Austria
- Benfit-auction for Ballhaus-Ost, Kunsthaus Lempertz Berlin, preview exhibition
- at Lempertz Berlin,
- Jianghu Mobile Video, Kumming, Yunnan Province, China
- Monument for Donatella Versace and the 20th Century on visit in the 21st on show at
- Version >05 'Invincible Desire' and in conjunction with 'Art in the Park/Art Chicago', Chicago, USA
- Screening of videoworks, Artists Television Access, San Fransisco, USA
- Stormscene, an installative work for the public space comissioned by the City Council of Nuremberg, Germany
- ASSO Summertime, Lyon, France
- Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie, Arles, France
- Bayennale, Bay Area International Exhibition, San Fransisco, USA
- MAGISTRALE, Berlin, Germany
- Safia Dickersbach (pr-director presents Andreas Templins Monument for Donatella Versace, Berlin, Germany
- FIELD OF VISION: EXTREMES, Institute for New Media, Frankfurt, Main, Germany
- Artists at Viewing Club, an international groupshow with emerging and established
- artists, London, GB
- RE-ESCAPE, an international groupshow with emerging and established
- artists, Hamburg, Germany
- Peace team, Atelier asphyxia/ juliettes literatursalon Berlin (single)
- Junge Kunst, Kunstverein Trier (group/website)
- Rush, Wiensowski&Harbord, Berlin (single)
- A Haunted House of Art, Outline-Institute Amsterdam, on invitation of Gabriel Lester (group/ website)
- Junge Kunst 2002, Wilhelm-Hack Museum Ludwigshafen (group/catalogue)
- Kunstraum Günter Braunsberg, Fürth, curated by Günter Braunsberg, Neues Museum Nürnberg (single/ website)
- Prix Nouvelles Images, Galerie Nouvelle Images, Den Haag, (group, on invitation of Jonas Ohlson)
- Reich und berühmt -festival, Podewil Berlin, former Staatsbank of GDR (group/catalogue)
- Visions on the day of German Reunion, participation in competition
- Landesverband Berliner Galerien e.V/ Partner für Berlin (group/ auction Ketterer)
- Exhibition-project M.A.I.S. ( Cologne (group/website)
- Swimming tapes, videoart- broadcast PARK4DTV ( Amsterdam, Berlin, Rotterdam
- Gruesse aus dem Fernsehland, gallery berlintokyo Berlin (single)
- Winner EGOART-prize 2006, Bratislava/SLO
- Winner Concours Belluard Bollwerk International, Fribourg, CH
- Winner international competition for the realisation of a land-art piece combined with a residency at Paradise International Art Center Iran, In cooperation with Museum of Contemporary Art Teheran
- Residency at Pilotprojekt Gropiusstadt, Berlin, Germany
- Travel-grant, Version Festival Chicago/USA, Senate of the City Berlin
- Guest-docent at Post-St.Joost Academie, s‘Hertogensbosch
- Exhibition catalogue “Don‘t Cry- Work!“ with an essay by Padraic Moore yearbook Pilotprojekt Gropiusstadt, with a text by Andreas Templin
- Catalogue synch festival Athens, with a text by Alexandra Landre
- Docent for OneMinutes Foundation at European Youth Meeting Berlin
- “Andreas Templin wins EGOART-prize“, Slovak Spectator, June
- Docent for UNICEF, workshop in Ruhr-area of Germany
- Berlin Art Info, magazine for contemporaray art Berlin November, “Heißer Herbst“ by Christian Anslinger
- “crashed satellite“, La Liberté, CH, Freiburger Nachrichten, “Der Bund“, June
- “If you die in your dreams your life will be free of worries“, Adnoten zu Arbeiten Andreas Templins, published on the occasion of Kunsthalle Interazioni Locarno
- European Biennale of Contemporary Art (catalogue+ CD-ROM)
- “second – hand experience”, Dr. Andreas L. Hofbauer, complementary publication to stormscene, Cultural Council of the City of Nuremberg
- “Monument for Donatella Versace”, Chicago Reader, Chicago USA, Lumpen, Chicago
- “stormscene”, Nürnberger Nachrichten, May; Bild, May; Woman, July; Sergej, May; Plärrer, May
- “Endless downloads into the wooden lab“ Andrew Cannon, curator Mr Cannon Projekts Berlin
- Andreas Templins digitales Werk, Dr. Paolo Sanvito, art-historian and curator Rome; Berlin, Virtual Library
- Featured artworks, magazine ph, issue 2, Russian National Center of Contemporary Art, Kaliningrad, Russian Federation
- “Tagestipp”, cultural pages, Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin, February
- Rheinpfalz; Saarbrücker Zeitung; Leo; September
- Brigitte Werneburg for die Tageszeitung, Berlin, February
- Günter Braunsberg, art-historian MA, Neues Museum Nürnberg
- Catalogue Junge Kunst 2002, Wilhelm-Hack Museum Ludwigshafen
- Lectures on contemporary culture, free docent, Filosofisch Fakultaeit in collaboration with Robin Brouwer, University of Amsterdam
- Development and realisation of contemporary art- and exhibition project bUG
- ( in cooperation with Sonja Beijering und Sebastiaan Duong
- Development and realisation of nomadic dialogues (serie of interdisciplinary dialogues on contemporary culture) in cooperation with HTV de Yjsberg, University of Amsterdam and S. Beijering, Amsterdam
My work is often built around mainstream idioms- formally, visually and contextually.
It is acting from a post-productive atmosphere of art-production and attempts on impulsive use of wide ranging styles and gestures.
Taking a creative-direction approach which implements all media and ways of expression (by principle) and is rather guided by a critical idea-based process with a rhetorical ending embedded in the finished artwork/ exhibition seems to me very interesting. It is, from a formal point of view in some tradition with conceptual art, but is also nurtured from “the idea of the perfect surface” as well as irony and humor becoming weapons in the artistic process.
I am trying in my work to grasp into the domains of schizoidity, doubleness and
irrationality, the shuffles and interplays these domains are able to stage, accompanied by a doubtfulness about methods and approaches that attempt to be very canonical by means of formal or contextual issues.
In traditional means, the rhetorical issues have come to a dissociative end as we all know and experience. That, for instance there is always the possibility to swap sides by means of interpreting and re-interpreting facts in a discourse is a strange development.
This is of course influencing the discourse happening in the visual arts as well.
As I do not see the necessity for a work of art to take sides I “treat the content democratically: there is a matter of interpretation, but the implemented domains are not being
directed to a certain outcome - to reformulate issues from and out of an artistic viewpoint in the sense of a democratic blueprint is my foremost intention.