Archive and Exhibition Madrid Abierto
As we announced at the end of the 2009-10 edition of Madrid Abierto, and with the financial agreement of our main sponsors (Ayuntamiento y Comunidad de Madrid) and collaborators (Fundación Telefónica, Casa de América y Ministerio de Cultura), along 2011 we will develop the following lines of action:
1- Review of all the written material regarding all six editions and archive of Madrid Abierto, already available for the public to look up in Matadero Madrid, thanks to an agreement we have reached with this institution.
2- Preparation of a program of educational workshops that will take place with the collaboration of Universidad Complutense de Madrid, founded on the positive experience of the pilot project that was created during the last edition of Madrid Abierto.
3- Design and production of a documentary exhibition of the whole history of Madrid Abierto, for which an agreement already exists with the MEIAC of Badajoz and the Sociedad Estatal para la Acción Cultural (SEAC).
In June 2011 we will evaluate the technical and economic conditions in order to launch the 7th edition of Madrid Abierto.