
Short circuit/cortocircuito. Temporary kinetic light installation

Dirk Vollenbroich

My art work is focused for about ten years on kinetic architecture illumination.

On the occassion of the coming Madrid Abierto 2007 here the sketch of my work‚ Short circuit/Cortocircuito in consideration of the `Palacio de Comunicaciones´.


The architecture of the Palacio de Comunicaciones stands in opposite to the strength of the architectures I normally work with. In case of this ninty years old excessive construction by Antonio Palacios, I try to do a work in opposite to my ‚dissolving‘ light installations in high-rise buildings (like for example the LUFTHANSA headquarters in Cologne, the `Technisches Rathaus‘ in Frankfurt or the IDUNA NOVA building in Münster). By a synchronized lightning inside each room of the Palacio de Comunicaciones, I will generate a junction of all spaces. The excessive aesthetics facade of this neo baroque building with its art deco elements will appear in a visual solve of the convoluted interior.


Especially controlled light sources (40x30x30 cm) will be positioned in each room of the Palacio de Comunicaciones. By an parallel transmitted electronic pulse all light sources inside the building do a short blink. The blinking is random controlled and can be realized trough the windows from outside as an indirect lighting.


Palacio de comunicaciones


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